Why You Need a Dehumidifier in Your Home During Summer

When the summer weather in Charlotte, NC, really starts to heat up, your family will likely spend more time indoors. Unfortunately, when you turn down the temperature on your thermostat, your energy bills will go up. If you’ve been looking to reduce your energy bills this summer and increase comfort, you may have come across the idea of using a dehumidifier in your home. What Is a Dehumidifier? A dehumidifier is a device used to remove excess moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers are sold in standalone models for individual rooms and whole-home models that dehumidify the

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How Are Indoor Air Quality and HVAC Related?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regularly funds research concerning indoor air quality and publishes data, analysis, guidelines and so forth. Based on decades of investigation, the EPA has recognized poor indoor air quality (IAQ) as a serious health risk affecting most Americans. After all, whether at home, in school or on the job, the average American spends 90% of their time indoors. The problem with indoor environments is the potential for dangerously high pollution levels, and this issue has become more prominent as construction science has advanced and homes have become better sealed. Modern homeowners rely on their HVAC systems

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3 Reasons To Use A Humidifier During Flu Season

During the winter, an indoor heating system can dry out the air. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, which reduces the dryness that comes with cold weather. These units come in different sizes and price ranges, so anyone who needs one can find a unit to meet his or her needs. Central humidifiers make it easy to keep the air in your home healthy and resistant to germs. Consider these three reasons for using a humidifier during the flu season. 1. Humidifiers Create an Environment that is Unwelcome to Germs Dry conditions allow

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How to Prepare for Fall Allergens

Taking antihistamines and other prescribed medication can help you deal with allergy symptoms while you’re outside. However, you don’t want allergens following you into your home. Fortunately, there are a few actions you can take to eliminate indoor allergens during the fall. What Are the Most Common Fall Allergens? To keep your home allergen-free, it’s necessary to know what kinds of particles can find their way into your breathing air. Ragweed pollen is the most common outdoor-originating irritant in the fall. Other than pollen from vegetation, some allergens can originate from inside your house, namely dust

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Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

As fall arrives and winter looms, it becomes a great time to reevaluate your heating and ventilation systems. That consideration should often begin with your thermostat because it’s your user interface to these systems, and it’s pivotal to ensuring that you remain comfortable as affordably as possible. Reevaluate Your Thermostat Positioning Integrity Heating & Cooling has been serving homeowners throughout Charlotte, Denver, and the surrounding areas for more than 35 years. If there’s one thermostat problem we encounter more than any other, it’s improper positioning. This is particularly common in older homes, but it can also occur in newer

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5 Home Dehumidifier Benefits

Home dehumidifiers are useful due to the many benefits that they offer to interior settings. They can be in use consistently in humid conditions to remove excess moisture that is present in the air. If you want to improve the quality of your home, there are a few benefits of home dehumidifiers to be aware of as a homeowner. 1. Reduce Allergies Dehumidifiers help to reduce allergens that circulate throughout the building with mold, mildew and dust mites that are present. As the dehumidifier operates, it can offer relief to residents who suffer from

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Do You Need Indoor Air Quality Testing?

At Integrity Heating & Cooling, local customers know us as the company that can handle their heating and cooling systems. However, we know that there is more to your indoor climate than temperature. The air in your home can carry an assortment of dust particles, irritants, and chemicals. There are several reasons why you might want to get indoor air quality testing. Age of the Home If you are thinking about buying an older home, checking the air quality might be a wise move. Older homes often do not have dedicated AC systems. Because these homes were draftier

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How a Humidifier Can Improve Your Static Problem

Does it seem like your house is plagued by static electricity throughout the dry months? If so, then it’s time to raise the humidity level in your home. By improving the indoor air quality, you can reduce the number of painful shocks that you receive this year. Dry Air and Static Electricity Static is most prevalent when the air around you is dry. In dry environments, free electrons in the environment have a tendency to cling to surfaces, including skin and clothes. This buildup of electrons can cause your shirts to stick to you and your

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Why You Need to Change the Filters in Your Home

When it comes to maintaining your home, it can be easy to forget about the filters for your HVAC system. The filters need to be changed every two to three months to avoid common issues with air quality. Here are a few reasons why you need to change the filters in your home. Avoid Expensive Repairs The filters improve the air flow in the building and prevent the HVAC system from working too hard as it operates. By changing the filters, it can prevent excess wear and tear on the appliance, which can allow

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The Importance of Duct Sealing

Do you wish your energy bills were lower? Are you experiencing low air flow coming from the vents? Are you concerned about the quality of the indoor air quality in your home? If you’ve answered yes to one or more of these, then we’d suggest sealing your ducts. It’s estimated that more than 90 percent of all homes have some sort of leakage in their ductwork. Depending on the severity of the leakage, you may be paying up to 30 percent more on utilities than you would otherwise. That’s reason enough to realize how important duct sealing is, but there

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