Biggest Reasons Your Heating Bill is Too High

While it’s natural for the heating bill to go up when the winter months roll around, a time may come when you notice the bill is too high. There are a number of things that could explain this, and a few of the most common are given below. Faulty Thermostat Without calibration, the thermostat may heat your rooms to the wrong temperature. In other cases, the thermostat may be incorrectly wired, leading it to both warm and cool your home at the same time. Homeowners themselves can be to blame for high heating

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Areas in Your Home That Might Need More Ventilation

Home ventilation is crucial to the well-being of both you and your home. Houses without enough ventilation usually have air quality problems that can affect the health of the occupants and cause numerous moisture-related problems for many of the essential components inside your house. Building codes specify that kitchens have exhaust fans, while bathrooms must have either an exhaust fan or an operable window. To prevent moisture from building inside and keeping the interior space from reaching an excessively hot temperature, an attic must also be vented to the roof. Room-by-Room Considerations Although the kitchen must

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What You Should Know About Home Ventilation

No matter the size of your home, proper ventilation is essential if you want your home to maintain its excellent air quality for years to come. Good ventilation means that you’ll breathe in clean and pure air, which should assist in keeping you healthy. Even if you already believe that every room in your home is properly ventilated, there are a couple of rooms that might benefit from some additional circulation. What Does Ventilation Refer To? Ventilation refers to the act of clean air being provided to a room or home while any stale air

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