Thermostat Best Practices for Fall
As fall arrives and winter looms, it becomes a great time to reevaluate your heating and ventilation systems. That consideration should often begin with your thermostat because it’s your user interface to these systems, and it’s pivotal to ensuring that you remain comfortable as affordably as possible.
Reevaluate Your Thermostat Positioning
Integrity Heating & Cooling has been serving homeowners throughout Charlotte, Denver, and the surrounding areas for more than 35 years. If there’s one thermostat problem we encounter more than any other, it’s improper positioning. This is particularly common in older homes, but it can also occur in newer residences when the house has been reconfigured. If a thermostat has been placed in a non-central location or is being affected by direct sunlight or another heating source, the temperature readings can be unreliable.
Check Your Thermostat Programming
If you don’t have a smart thermostat that was manufactured in the last five years or so, we strongly recommend considering an upgrade. The tech has really evolved recently. For any programmable model, you should consider the settings. Ensure that you’ve chosen the optimal temperatures for those times when you’re actively enjoying your home, sleeping, or away from the residence.
Ensure Your Thermostat Is Dust-Free
Dust will get inside your thermostat, and while a little dust isn’t a big deal, the effects become worse when it accumulates. It can actually affect contacts and coils so that the temperature readings are off. This is a good time to remove the cover and verify that the contacts are free of dust.
Avoid Adjusting Your Thermostat Too Much
If you have a programmable or smart thermostat, you should trust in those settings. If you have a manual thermostat, we strongly recommend upgrading. In the meantime, be aware that it’s easy to over-adjust. Get into a routine of only making adjustments when you arrive home from work, before bedtime, and so on.
Optimize Your Thermostat and More
If you need professional assistance with your thermostat this fall anywhere in or around Charlotte or Denver, Integrity Heating & Cooling is here for you. Our company also provides a wide range of services related to heating, cooling, ductwork, indoor air quality, and standby generators. Contact us today to learn more about these options.
Tags: Heating, indoor air quality, Thermostats