Top Reasons to Consider HVAC Preventative Maintenance

As a homeowner, it’s common to hire professionals to perform maintenance on various aspects of your house to keep it in great working condition. Your HVAC system is no different. You should be scheduling preventative maintenance twice a year to ensure that both your heating and cooling systems are in tip-top condition. Extend the Life of Your System One of the most important reasons that you want to invest in professional preventative maintenance for your HVAC system is to help extend its overall lifespan. A heating or cooling system is a very large financial investment. You

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5 Ways to Save Energy on Your Fall Heating Bills

Rather than see your heating bills rise again, as they often do during the cooler weather, consider these five tips. They can help you maintain an energy-efficient heating system, be it a packaged unit or a heat pump, and a warmer home. All of this translates into energy savings. 1. Programming the Thermostat The thermostat should not be turned off for long periods of time as this will only cause the heating system to work overtime when it’s later turned on. You can lower the temperature to a comfortable 65 degrees or so before bed or

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How to Prepare for Fall Allergens

Taking antihistamines and other prescribed medication can help you deal with allergy symptoms while you’re outside. However, you don’t want allergens following you into your home. Fortunately, there are a few actions you can take to eliminate indoor allergens during the fall. What Are the Most Common Fall Allergens? To keep your home allergen-free, it’s necessary to know what kinds of particles can find their way into your breathing air. Ragweed pollen is the most common outdoor-originating irritant in the fall. Other than pollen from vegetation, some allergens can originate from inside your house, namely dust

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