Why Is My Furnace Filter Black?

Checking your furnace filter only to find that it has turned completely black is alarming, to say the least. Though it does occur, this isn’t normal. A black furnace filter indicates that something is amiss in your system or home. Here are some of the probable causes. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide is an odorless and invisible gas that originates from incomplete combustion. It is known to commonly cause soot deposits on the furnace filter, which could be one of the reasons why you’ve noticed the black color there. Some of the common sources of carbon monoxide

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3 Ways to Maximize Your Furnace Efficiency

Your furnace is an essential part of the comfort of your home. While the coziness of your place is important, it comes at a cost. If you improve the efficiency of your furnace, it should reduce your bills and improve its function. There’s no reason to pay more for your heating needs than you must. If your furnace is not working as it once did or it’s not putting out enough heat, these three things can help improve your furnace efficiency. 1. Clean or Change the Air Filters One of the biggest reasons why a

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