How Often Should I Change My Furnace Filter?

Furnace filters collect pollutants and prevent them from being sucked into the return air vents and re-circulated throughout your home or business. Though filters do not necessarily clean your air, they at least keep it from becoming dirtier, and they also play a crucial role in maintaining proper airflow while the furnace is on. Filters can only trap so many particles, though, before they start to impede airflow and lower indoor air quality. Replacing them is a basic maintenance task, one that the technicians at Integrity Heating & Cooling can handle for anyone in Charlotte, NC. However, it still pays

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What To Do If My Furnace Keeps Running

As your furnace ages, one of the issues you may encounter is that it won’t turn off. There are many potential reasons for this. Before you call in a professional furnace technician, there are several things you can do to troubleshoot the situation. In this article, we’ll tell you what to do when your furnace keeps running. Confirm That the Thermostat Is Set to Heat Sometimes, the reason your furnace won’t shut off is because you’ve programmed the thermostat incorrectly. Ensure that it’s in the “on” or “auto” mode of operation. When the programmed temperature of

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