How It’s Made TRANE – AC Plus Heating and Cooling

How It’s Made TRANE, Its hard to stop a trane. A/C Plus Heating and Cooling Service Repair in Middle TN. A/C Plus only uses reliable, high efficiency HVAC systems, that is why we offer TRANE products. We are very confident with our equipment and have a wide variety of options to fit your

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$50 Smart $aver Health Check

As summer winds down and cooler weather approaches its time to consider whether you are getting the maximum from your heating and cooling system. The Smart Saver Health Check from Integrity Heating & Air Conditioning evaluates your heat pump and air conditioner, ensuring that your system is operating as efficiently as possible. With the Smart Saver Health Check we can identify and repair issues that may require attention, there by saving you energy, and money while giving you peace of mind and improving your home’s comfort. Since 1995 Integrity Heating & Air Conditioning has been providing top

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HVAC Maintenance Case Study

A Case for Maintenance: Imagine coming home one afternoon, opening your door and being met by 90 degree air inside. No one would want to enter such a place, not to mention actually try to eat or sleep in it. This is why a strong preventative maintenance program isn’t really an option, it’s a must. “A properly functioning HVAC system is crucial to keeping a home hospitable, and the better it’s maintained, the more likely you’re going to get the appropriate life from the equipment.” says Anthony Shaker, vice president of operations and maintenance at UNICCO*, Newton

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Cleaning HVAC Coils Boosts Heating & Cooling Efficiency in your Home Cleaning A/C coils boosts efficiency As the weather gets warmer and warmer, it is wise to make sure your existing central air conditioner is running as efficiently as possible to reduce your electric bills. There are some things you can do yourself to keep your central air conditioner running as efficiently as possible. It should be noted, though, that doing some things yourself does not preclude having regular professional service calls. Technicians have special equipment and pressure gauges to check the internal components of the system, which is impossible for

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5 Tips to Help Get Your HVAC System Ready For Summer

Well spring has sprung but there is still time to get these things checked off your Honey-do list that will help your HVAC system through what is predicted to be a record breaking summer! *Turn off the AC before mowing the lawn to prevent grass and dirt from being drawn into the unit. *If your outdoor unit is in direct sunlight for more than 2 hours a day, plant nearby shrubs to provide shade. This produces a cooler running temperature which will increase the unit’s efficiency. *However, if you do decide to plant those shrubs

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Trane’s Current Offer Offer available only through Trane Comfort Specialist™ dealers 0% APR For 60 Months* FOR “Special rate of 0% APR with 60 equal monthly payments*” WITH EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit. The special terms APR will continue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for

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Refrigerant Shortage Driving AC Repair Costs Up

The soaring cost of some refrigerants will mean sharply higher air-conditioner repair costs this spring, experts say, adding a bit of gloom to this week’s early bloom. The refrigerant known as R-22 is being phased out because it eats Earth’s protective ozone layer. R-22 air conditioners were made until 2010, and millions still operate. But owners who need to replace leaked refrigerant this year are in for a nasty surprise: R-22 prices have tripled since January. Homeowners who would have paid $100 to recharge an R-22 system last year can now expect to pay

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Homefront Defense Against Allergies

Don’t look now, but your home is under assault. Allergy season has officially begun in the Carolinas Piedmont, with the first windborne tree pollen – cedar, maple and birch – drifting invisibly through the air in the first weeks of February, sneaking into your home’s cracks and crevices. Those allergens will soon be followed by the pollen of oaks and grasses, on into the march of misery-inducing menaces that peak with late-summer ragweed. And that’s just the stuff outside. Inside, homeowners may face pet allergies, dust mites or mold. And then

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What’s going on with R22?

Recent actions by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding HCFCs have led to uncertainty about the availability of R-22 in the coming months and years. In response, contractors have noticed a ramp-up in the chatter about R-22 and price changes as some manufacturers and importers have amended their sales policies. This situation is the culmination of several factors, including the continued implementation of the federal government’s policies regarding HCFCs, current market conditions, and delays in the regulatory process. As most contractors know, the EPA controls the production of HCFCs, including the refrigerant known as R-22,

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